Wilco Will Love You Podcast

Bonus Episode 2: Bands I Used to Go See

Episode Summary

Mary and Meredith (the Mares) return for a second pre-season 2 bonus episode, because Mary got to see Wilco! Live! At the Oxbow River Stage in Napa! This discussion leads to further Wilco shows reminiscences and talk of other recent concert-going experiences, Wilco and non-Wilco. The plan is to be back soon with a whole new season of episodes - this time with interviews. Stay tuned.

Episode Transcription

(Theme music fades in: guitar strumming, slide guitar glides in. Music fades out as the co-hosts Mary MacLane Mellas and Meredith Hobbs Coons begin to speak.)

Meredith: It's so lovely to be with you again. 

Mary: It's so nice! It's been a while.

Meredith: It has. 

Mary: Distance and COVID has... made that difficult. But-

Meredith: -mhmm-

Mary: -we're both vaccinated and we're both here. And it's great

Meredith: Mhmm. Doing the thing. And, um, you know? It hasn't been terrible to expand our skill set into podcasting remotely. Because now, we can get people on here from... France! We can get people on here from... Chicago! We could get people on here from... India! Hi, listeners in India, apparently quite a few of you. 

Mary: We have a lot. Yeah. Apparently there are a few.

Meredith: So that's cool (laughs).

Mary: It expands the potential of who we can have on this podcast, which is really exciting. 

Meredith: It is exciting. 

Mary: That's the great thing about the internet and about Zoom. 

Meredith: Mhmm!

Mary: And, you know, we can just literally have anybody.

Meredith: Mm hmm. It's broadened my world for sure

Mary: For sure. 

Meredith: Yeah. We were able to... do a virtual episode. Two episodes! With "ABC Wilco-" or I guess it's "Alpha Bravo Charlie: the Alphabetical Wilco."

Mary: Yes. Their Instagram is ABC Wilco. 

Meredith: That's right.

Mary: @abcwilco

Meredith: That's right. @abcwilco, the Alphabetical Wilco.

Mary: So we got to do an episode with them, just on Zoom, it was perfect- or Google Meet, I think we used. 

Meredith: Right. 

Mary: Um, and you know, they're both much further east in the country than either of us. So it-

Meredith: That's right. 

Mary: You know, even across time zones, we were able to find a time that worked for all of us in our busy schedules and make a podcast from across the country. So that was pretty cool.

Meredith: Mhmm. Jason Hess and Kevin Neil. 

Mary: Yep.

Meredith: That's right. And we're going to do some (singsong voice) trivia with Kevin some time.

Mary: Oh yeah. Kevin is like... a... Wilco historian. I mean, he kind of very politely corrected me on one of the episodes that you'll hear that we were on, um, where I made a bit of an embarrassing blunder.

Meredith: (Laughs)

Mary: But I will- I will recover and please don't disrespect me for it. I am a true Wilco fan. I'm just not, like- the- the whole history is not necessarily my realm... of, like, expertise. It's more about the music for me, but I... respect someone who, like, really knows the history. And, like, all the trivia of a band. Kevin, will help us create some trivia questions for our guests. 

Meredith: Yeah.

Mary: Which will be really fun, because I think he'll be able to come up with some that'll really stump. Some. Wilco fans. 

Meredith: Yes.

Mary: And we'll all learn. That's the great thing about trivia. There's a really fun podcast that I've been listening to called "The Friendship Onion."

Meredith: Ooh! 

Mary: And it's Dominic Monaghan and Billy Boyd, who played Merry and Pippin and Lord of the Rings, and they have a new episode out every week. It's just they have a really- they're like best friends. So they have a funny rapport with each other. And they have on, like, big Lord of the Rings fans, and they quiz them. And they also have guests, like they recently had Sean Astin, and they had, um, Elijah Wood on, but it's a really fun podcast anyway. And they do a really good quiz, like, section. So it was- it's... inspiring me that we need to- i[really] need to do a quiz on our podcast.

Meredith: Yeah. It's always been part of your vision to get quizzy on here. 

Mary: Yes! 

Meredith: And I support it.

Mary: Because it's fun. 

Meredith: It is fun. 

Mary: I like games. I like quizzes. 

Meredith: I do, too.

Mary: And I want to learn more about Wilco. Because... why are we here if we don't want to learn more about Wilco? 

Meredith: We're open to... all knowledge related to Wilco. 

Mary: And it's kind of fun to know that there are people out there that know way more than us that we can just, like, glean from their knowledge.

Meredith: Mhmm. We're trying to be a conduit. 

Mary: Yes. 

Meredith: Not an- a go-to resource, necessarily, a comprehensive resource. 

Mary: No.

Meredith: But a conduit for information. 

Mary: Yes. 

Meredith: And fandom.

Mary: Yes. Because that's what it's all about. It's all fun.

Meredith: Right. So. If you're listening for the first time, this is... the Wilco Will Love You Podcast, a podcast by fans about...

Mary: ...the music, and influence, of Wilco. 


Meredith: Yes. That is right. 

Mary: I remembered after all this time (laughs)

Meredith: (Laughs) I'm so proud. Alright. And on that note, should we get into the purpose (high-pitched, singsong voice) of our episode? 

Mary: Yes. 

Meredith: Okay. What did you do recently, Mary?

Mary: I saw Wilco live.

Meredith: (Gasps) 

Mary: It was the second live show that I've seen since COVID. I got to see Madison Cunningham before that, and that was an amazing show. She's wonderful. And actually, recently, um... Glenn Kotche does his drumbeats project on his Instagram, and he did one to Maddie's song, um, "Pin It Down." 

Meredith: Ooh. 

Mary: And she was very excited that he did that. Which I would be, too, because he's an amazing drummer. 

Meredith: Heck, yeah! 

Mary: And, uh... yeah. So that's that connection. But yes, I saw Wilco in Napa, California, wine country. And they have a kind of summer-slash-fall outdoor stage called the Oxbow River Stage that they- it's not like a- it's not a permanent, um, stage. It's just in this- this place called the Oxbow Commons. In Napa. It's just like a big field. Under all these bridges. It's really- it's a cool venue. So we went, and Faye Webster opened. We unfortunately missed her entire set, because the stage entrance was super confusing to find. So we heard her like from... like, walking there (laughs) but we completely- like we showed up and heard, like, they were, like, setting up for Wilco. So... I was really sad because I usually love to see Wilco openers, because they usually have really good openers. So yeah. That was- that was sad. But. We caught Wilco. We went and stood in the merch line for like 30 minutes and then... got to see Wilco. So. It was great. Um, so we... ended up going. I'm fully aware that being close to the stage, especially in an outdoor venue like this, you're not going- you're not doing that to get the best sound. The sound was pretty bad where we were, I'm gonna say. I could barely- it was very muddled, but it was worth it to be close, because I like being- like, I love listening to, like, a record on good headphones or on good speakers. But when I go to a live show, sometimes I want to feel a little bit more like I'm there. 

Meredith: Mhmm.

Mary: And to me, standing far away doesn't really feel like I'm there. So we were pretty close. We were like... I don't know. I'm a bad judge of distances, but I could, like, clearly see... every member. Except that I'm short, so it was hard to see over all the tall... guys and stuff. But.

Meredith: Agh.

Mary: Um... but it was really- it was really neat! We were like, you know, in the standing room section in front of the stage, and it was just like, it was really special. It was- it was neat to see them all up close. Just not the greatest sound. It's my first- it's the first time I've seen them in 10 years. 

Meredith: Wow.

Mary: The last time I saw them was in 2011... at the Arlington theater in Santa Barbara, which is kind of a neat- it's a neat theater. I forgot if it's actually outdoor. It, like, looks like it's outdoor. It looks like you're in, like, a Spanish village. Like the way- I don't know if you've been to that venue. It's really neat.

Meredith: I have. I (laughs) I took my kids to see Octonauts Live at that theater. 

Mary: Oh! (Laughs)

Meredith: So that was that was a whole lot going on. You've got faux ocean creatures on the stage. The Octonauts themselves, of course, i[not] ocean creatures, with the exception of, um, Professor Inkling, who is an octopus. 

Mary: Yup.

Meredith: Yeah, but then you've got all the- (laughs) the, um, outdoor ambiance of the theater.

Mary: Yeah.

Meredith: That was somethin.' Anyway. Back to Wilco. (Laughs)

Mary: Anyway. Yeah, so that was a cool theater to see them in. Um, and I had just happened to, um... we had like halfway back in the theater... and then one of my dad's friends had bought a seat for himself and a client, and his client didn't end up coming, so he let me come and sit, like, third row center. 

Meredith: (Impressed) mmmm. 

Mary: And so that was really fun. I got to be pretty close for that show. 

Meredith: Nice. 

Mary: So 10 years later, I get to see them again. 

Meredith: Mhmm.

Mary: It was just really special. I would say my one... kind of disappointment was that their setlist was like a great- a Wilco Greatest Hits setlist, like all the way. 

Meredith: Oh. 

Mary: They didn't, to me, play, like, many deep cuts. I should just take a look of- at, like, what they played. I have a list on my phone. 

Meredith: Ooh, nice! (Laughs)

Mary: Yeah. I just- I tried to write down... there was a couple songs I actually didn't know. Um, but they started with "Shot in the Arm," of course, because that's, like, their COVID anthem. 

Meredith: Right.

Mary: With, like, vaccines. 

Meredith: Yes. 

Mary: Um. And they have a they have a pretty cool Oxford Pennant banner that I didn't get. 

Meredith: Agh.

Mary: But... they have some cool merch. And they played a few off of, um, "Ode to Joy." They played "One and a Half Stars."

Meredith: Mm hmm. 

Mary: Um, so they played "Random Name Generator..." I was actually happy they played anything off of "Star Wars." 

Meredith: Yeah.

Mary: I feel like it's one of those albums that, like, wasn't very popular when it came out, but it has, like, grown on people?

Meredith: Right.

Mary: A lot? So anyway. I- I really like "Star Wars." Let's see... they played "If I Ever Was a Child." 

Meredith: That's a great one. 

Mary: Um... they played "Love Is Everywhere," which was great. "Everyone Hides..." so they did play some new songs. But the- like, the other song- okay, "Shot in the Arm," "Side with the Seeds," which is a really fun song to see live, "Art of Almost," which was also really fun, but because of, like, how bad the sound was, where I was?

Meredith: (Laughs) Oh. 

Mary: It was like a really- it was really muddled. Um, they played "Via Chicago," which I had really wanted to see them play the first time and they didn't play. So that was really fun. Um...

Meredith: Fun pay off for you.

Mary: They played "Either Way." They- like, because the first time I saw them, too, they also... really played the full band, like, loud songs. 

Meredith: Mhmm.

Mary: And they never, like, brought it down except that their first song was "Reservations," and it was like really stripped down.

Meredith: Mm. Mhmm.

Mary: So- at this show, they did a good job of, like, interspersing a couple slow songs, because sometimes with, like, a i(big) number, especially like via Chicago, which has all those, like, noisy sections? 

Meredith: Right. 

Mary: It's really nice when they kind of, like, bring it down a little bit. Like, they played "Either Way." I was actually really excited they played "Either Way." They did "Impossible Germany," they did "Hummingbird-" like, "Hummingbird" was the one that everybody was singing along with, which was fun. They played, uh, "Love-" "Love is Everywhere," "Box Full of Letters," which is really funny because he said- when Jeff Tweedy was like, introducing it, he didn't really talk- they- they didn't- really didn't talk very much. 

Meredith: Mm.

Mary: But when Jeff Tweedy introduced "Box Full of Letters," he said, "This is a song off our first album. I don't really know why I always say that, because I never say that about any other song. Like, 'this is a song off our third album, or this is a song off-'" So he, um, oh! And then I think he said- after that they played "Everyone Hides," so he said, "This is a song off our 10th album..."

Mary: Just to kind of, like- but- so that was funny. And like- I've- I really like "Box Full of Letters." It's a good song. 

Mary: (Laughs)

Meredith: It is.

Mary: Um- played "Dawned on Me," played "Jesus, Etc.," "Theologians," "Heavy Metal Drummer," so it really felt like- "I'm the Man Who Loves You," "California Stars." So it really felt like... a Wilco- like- all their most... popular songs kind of setlist?

Meredith: Mmm.

Mary: Um, which I'm like, that's fine! I won't- this is only the second time I've even seen them.

Meredith: Yeah.

Mary: And I don't even think they played a lot of those popular songs when I saw them. They kind of did play a weird setlist when I saw them, because I- I hadn't been a fan very long, and I didn't recognize a lot of the kind of deep cuts they were playing? Versus now I'm much more, like, versed in their catalog, and they played like all the songs that, like, "I know that song!" like kind of like, "Oh, I know Jesus, Etc.!" Like- 

Meredith: Right. 

Mary: -that's like a song that someone would know, even if they're not really a Wilco fan. 

Meredith: Right. 

Mary: So... yeah. I mean, like, I guess I was- felt a little let down by that slightly. I wanted them to play some, like, deeper cuts, I guess. But I'm like, I'm not complaining. I got to see them. 

Meredith: Yeah, for sure. 

Mary: And, um, you know... it was good. It was just a great- it was a great show. They had great energy. And like, were- actually, like, it was cool, because it seemed like they were, like, genuinely really happy to be there. 

Meredith: Aww! 

Mary: Like really happy to be playing live, really happy to have an audience. It was a good audience, too. And they've interacted with the audience a little bit and it was just like- yeah, they like... it's cool to see them, like, I'm sure a lot of fans right now are, like, just really appreciating being able to play in front of people... after it's been so long. And they didn't really get to tour "Ode to Joy" they- their, like, "Ode to Joy" tour got cut in half, I think. 

Meredith: Right. 

Mary: So... it was just neat. It was like- yeah, I mean, like, they're just kind of playing predictable songs right now, but like- they're just- it just seems like they're really happy and, like, there was this really cute moment. I think a couple people got, like, pictures of it that I saw Wilco repost where like... Jeff and Nels... like, were both, like, playing and they just were, like... leaning on each other's shoulders.

Meredith: Aww!

Mary: And like, there- it's just sweet, because it's like, you can see how much they actually, like... are a group of friends. 

Meredith: Yeah. 

Mary: Um... so yeah. It was fun. I'm really glad I went. Like- I would rather see them, like, in an indoor venue with a little bit better sound.

Meredith: Mhmm.

Mary: But you know with, like, COVID and everything, it was fine that it was outdoor. They're probably- I think they're kind of, like, aiming to do more outdoor. 

Meredith: Yep.

Mary: Yeah. So... I feel like I saw a couple, um, Wilco Will Love You- or just a couple of people that we follow on our- our Wilco Will Love You Instagram that were, I think, at the same show. I didn't, like, search anyone out, but I was like- oh, they posted about it later. And I was like, "oh! There's some more Bay Area, like- people- Wilco Will Love You listeners that also were at that show." That's pretty cool.

Meredith: Well, that's amazing. And if you recognize yourself in that comment, let us know.

Mary: I can't wait to see them. I'm, like, already like, oh yeah, they come back another time soon. Like, I really enjoy seeing them live. So...

Meredith: Mhmm.

Mary: Shows are coming back. It's- it's just so weird. I really loved seeing... Maddie Cunningham, because that was- it was in San Francisco, so it was actually a hundred percent vaccinated show, like-

Meredith: Oh that's cool.

Mary: -you can't go to a show in San Francisco if you don't-

Meredith: Mhmm.

Mary: -if you weren't vaccinated. So... and it was at the um- The independent-

Meredith: Oh yeah.

Mary: -in San Francisco, which is such- I had never been to the- I've pretty much only seen shows at the Fillmore in San Francisco.

Meredith: Mhmm.

Mary: Which I love the Fillmore, and actually, Jeff Tweedy is going to play at the Fillmore in January. And I'm really tempted to go.

Meredith: Uh huh.

Mary: Actually, he's playing on my birthday. 

Meredith: Aww!

Mary: So I'm like-

Meredith: Oh man!

Mary: Um... so I'm really tempted to go to that. And I really like the Fillmore. But anyway, she played at The Independent, which is a pretty small venue. And I loved catching her when she's just playing The Independent, because I feel like she's gonna get big so quickly. 

Meredith: Yeah.

Mary: Like that's the kind of venue that I wish I could have seen Wilco at 15 years ago, 20 years ago. It was just such a good energy in the room. And it was, like, small enough to like, feel like you could really be there and like, is a really good sound. Her band was great. It just felt- it feels like the artist can interact a bit more with the audience. 

Meredith: Yeah. 

Mary: So that was- and S.G. Goodman opened for her, and she was also really great. That was a- that was cool show.

Meredith: I'm so glad. Well, here's to shows! 

Mary: Here's to shows! 

Meredith: And here's hoping that... Wilco tours again, (laughs) when I'm ready to go.

Mary: I'm sure they will. They're gonna make up for lost time. And... all the people- I would- I would be so stoked if they actually played, like, on the Central Coast again, like I would-

Meredith: Yes. 

Mary: I would come back for that, because... you would have a smaller crowd... and... there's some good venues on the Central Coast. So...

Meredith: Yeah. I told you I saw them at Avila beach at that- yeah, it was like by a golf course or something on like a... little stage that they set up occasionally.

Mary: My dad was at that show, too. 

Meredith: That was a good show.

Mary: And I had gone to Europe a day before. Ugh. I wish I could have seen that show. Because my dad was like, "Oh yeah, there was like, you know, not too many people. I just like walked up to the stage once in a while, stood close, then I went back" and like, at the show I was at, people were like... so jammed in. Ugh. That was the one thing that was like, "oh guys... this is a little bit..."

Meredith: Mhmm.

Mary: At least it was outside, but... it was like sardines a little bit towards the front. 

Meredith: Yeah. 

Mary: I would have loved to have seen them.

Meredith: People are probably extra... jazzed on music right now, too.

Mary: Oh, I think so.

Meredith: That's definitely part of it. 

Mary: Definitely. Definitely. 

Meredith: Yeah, "I haven't been to a show in a year and a half! I'm pushing my way to the front!" 

Mary: Yep. Yep. I think that's what was happening. But yeah, I- I have so much- so much wish I could have been at that Avila show, because I just heard it was like... it's probably the only time they'll ever play like in SLO County. But...

Meredith: Yeah, I went to that show- I think I was like eight months pregnant with my first kid? 

Mary: Oh my gosh! 

Meredith: But it was worth it.

Mary: Yeah!

Meredith: It was hot. 

Mary: Yeah. 

Meredith: Jeff Tweedy was wearing his classic denim- all denim look. 

Mary: Yup. 

Meredith: And... I was thinking (laughs) he's probably boiling up there. Uh.. they opened with- correct me if I get the title wrong, because I often do- but "One Sunday Morning?"

Mary: Mhmm. 

Meredith: Yes. They opened with that.

Meredith: "Song for Jane Smiley." 

Meredith: Yes. "For Jane-

Meredith & Mary -Smiley's Boyfriend!" 

Meredith: Mm! Yeah. They opened with that. And I was like, "That is such a cool choice!" And it just... made me happy.

Mary: That was probably their tour for "The Whole Love."

Meredith: It was. (Laughs) and... I think they played... Yeah. They played "Hoodoo Voodoo." 

Mary: Yep. 

Meredith: And... there was a dude in front of us who was dancing... super hard, like commanding a lot of space. 

Mary: (Laughs)

Meredith: Yeah, he had like a full... circle-

Mary: Oh my gosh!

Meredith: -that he was just... the boss of... for that moment. 

Mary: That is so funny.

Meredith: And so I was trying not to get hit by any flailing limbs. And he turned to me, looked at me, pointed at me, said "You should sing this song to your unborn child!"

Mary: (Laughs) Wow. "Hoodoo Voodoo."

Meredith: That was fun. I was like, "Why?... But okay."

Mary: Oh my gosh. "Hoodoo Voodoo" reminds me of... when I saw them in Santa Barbara. 

Meredith: Mhmm.

Mary: And White Denim was the band opening. And during "Hoodoo Voodoo," their whole band like came out and, like, danced on stage like shirtless to "Hoodoo Voodoo," like behind- I feel like they were like behind Mikael Jorgensen or something. They were just like off to the side, but they were all, like, dancing really crazy.

Meredith: Oh boy. 

Mary: That was really funny

Meredith: Hey! Maybe this guy at the show was in White Denim. Who knows? 

Mary: Maybe. Or he was influenced by them. 

Meredith: (Laughs) yeah, maybe.

Mary: He was at that Santa Barbara show and saw them dancing, and he was like, "Oh yeah, this is what you do with this song!"

Meredith: (Laughs)

Mary: Yeah, that's really funny.

Meredith: Yeah, I'm sorry you missed it. (Laughs) oh, I remember this about that show, too... Gosh, I don't know where I found the time, but I baked, um, Chai snickerdoodle cookies, and brought them in a tupperware. 

Mary: Oh my gosh! 

Meredith: Not, you know, drug cookies. Nothing like that. 

Mary: Just, like, snacks. 

Meredith: Just to bring homemade cookies to a Wilco show. 

Mary: That's awesome. 

Meredith: If you ever see me at a Wilco show, I don't have cookies. (Laughs) those days are behind me.

Mary: Do not come up to me asking for cookies if you see me at a Wilco show. 

Meredith: (Laughs) that was a very one-off thing. 

Mary: One time. (Whispers) oh my gosh. 

Meredith: Don't ask me. 

Mary: (Laughs) that's funny. I love the little memories you have from shows like that. Like, "oh yeah..."

Meredith: Anyway, does that about do it?

Mary: Yeah, that recaps, I think, the show. And-

Meredith: Do we have any action items? Is that what we say? What is it? There's podcast lingo for this! "Call to action!" 

Mary: Call to action! Subscribe... if you're not subscribed.

Meredith: Yeah! Do that. If you could write us a review, that'd be cool.

Mary: That'd be cool. We have a- a couple people write really nice reviews.

Meredith: They- you know who you are. Thanks for your-

Mary: You know who you are. 

Meredith: -thanks for your reviews, nice people. And, um, you know, rate, all the- all the things- 

Mary: Yeah. 

Meredith: -that any other podcast asks you to do... 

Mary: Yeah.

Meredith: Do those for us. 

Mary: Do those for us, too. Here's a cool thing... Now that- because we did do a call for, like, showing us your merch a few- like a few months ago on our Instagram? 

Meredith: Mhmm.

Mary: But now that shows are happening, there's new merch, and people are getting... merch from those shows. So, if you want to send us any merch photos, we would love to see them. We might feature them on our Instagram. 

Meredith: Yep. 

Mary: I love getting the show posters. So I got a show poster from seeing them in Napa. And then Meredith and I now have matching stickers. So that's pretty fun. 

Meredith: Yes! You got me a sticker!

Mary: Yeah!

Meredith: Thank you. Aw, it made my day!

Mary: They had, like, California stickers. And I was like, "this seems appropriate."

Meredith: With stars on 'em. 

Mary: With stars- "California Stars!"

Meredith: That's right. Where are you putting your sticker? 

Mary: I don't know yet, because I used to put them all on my- um- my P-bass, like, hardshell case. 

Meredith: Yeah. That's where I put stickers. 

Mary: But I don't really use my P-bass as much as my Mustang bass anymore? So I don't really know. I need to find, like, a spot where it will be prominently displayed.

Meredith: Yeah, I was gonna go for my guitar case, too. That's where most of my stickers end up.

Mary: Yep. So now we have matching "California Stars" stickers, which is really fun. I still need to get like a t-shirt. But I was like- it's kind of overwhelming when you're in a merch line that's really long, and like the show's about to start, and you're like trying not to take too long?

Meredith: Right.

Mary: So that other people can get their merch? So I was like, "I'll just order a t-shirt."

Meredith: Yeah.

Mary: Off their website. The thing that I really wanted was the show poster, 'cause sometimes those sell out. 

Meredith: Right. 

Mary: So I was like, trying to give myself that space to like- "it's okay. I can order a t-shirt later if I want a t-shirt." 

Meredith: Very nice. 

Mary: I won't be as, like, worried that those get sold out, because they always come out with like, cool, new t-shirt designs.

Meredith: Yeah, they do... Mary, you command that space! You be like the-

Mary: Yeah (laughs).

Meredith: Be like the "Hoodoo Voodoo" guy at the Wilco show who may or may not have been in White Denim.

Mary: I mean, I stood in that line for 30 minutes, so I guess I deserved that time to just, like, decide what I want at the merch booth. But it's okay.

Meredith: That was your time at the merch table. Mhmm.

Mary: You're right. 

Meredith: Mhmm!

Mary: I need to be more- give myself some more time next time

Meredith: (Whispers) command the space. It's okay.

Mary: It's okay. I'll order a t shirt.

Meredith: Get the fox one.

Mary: I should get the fox one.

Mary: Match me. 

Mary: Yeah!

Meredith: Let's match in 'em. Always.

Mary: (Whispers) yes. I should get that one. For the- for the fox, they played in Oakland right after they played, um, in, uh, Napa. 

Meredith: Uh huh.

Mary: And they had like a fox- um- because it was the Fox Theater. So they had a cute, like, baseball fox, uh, posters. Those were cute, too. 

Meredith: Aww.

Mary: They were appropriate for the- for the venue. 

Meredith: Alright. So... we got... you know, email us with your questions and queries. DM us. I wanna shout out- (emphasizes) shout out- her handle is Aunt Beezus. 

Mary: Yes.

Meredith: I have yet to... share the screenshot of the... freakin' nice thing that she said...

Mary: Oh yeah!

Meredith: ...about us. Anyway. Thanks, Aunt Beezus. I'll share the screenshot. She said something to the effect of feeling really, um, happy to hear two women talking about Wilco.

Mary: That was really nice. So it was a DM she sent us. 

Meredith: Yes. 

Mary: That was a- see? Yeah. There we go. 

Meredith: Mhmm. We love it. 

Mary: Yeah

Meredith: It makes us happy. 

Mary: Shout out to- to Aunt Beezus, because that was really sweet. There's some- there's just a really good like Wilco- I don't like a lot of social media anymore, but I think the Wilco community on social media is actually pretty cool. 

Meredith: Exceptional folks. 

Mary: Exceptional folks. Wilco fans are just like- I mean even at the show I was at, like, of course there's always, like, people who are crazy at shows but like in general, fans at Wilco shows are, like, just really happy to be there, and just, like... happy to hear good music. 

Meredith: Yes. 

Mary: They're not like... going crazy or... being... annoying or anything.

Meredith: Just dancin' a bit. Not hurtin' anybody.

Mary: I mean, I don't even really dance to music, and there was a couple times where I was like... couldn't help it! It was just fun!

Meredith: Gotta tap your toes! 

Mary: I was having fun! Yes, got to tap your toes. 

Meredith: Mhmm.

Mary: And my sweet husband was just like holding all my stuff for me so that I could just enjoy. Holding my purse, holding my poster that I just bought...

Meredith: Aww.

Mary: Holding my water bottle...

Meredith: What a gentleman.

Mary: Yes, very much. 

Meredith: (Laughs)

Mary: So shout out to John. Thank you for making my- making my Wilco experiences. He sacrificed so that I could have a good Wilco experience, which I appreciate.

Meredith: Alright, everybody. Remember...

Mary: Wilco Will Love You!

Meredith: They will. 

Mary: Yeah! I mean, I really felt the love when I was there.

Meredith: Aww. Aww! I've gotta go to a show, man. 

Mary: (Gasps) that's the song that I was bummed they didn't play, is they didn't play Wilco- they didn't play Wilco (The Song). 

Meredith: Ack.

Mary: I'll just have to request it next time and hope they play it. 

Meredith: Request bomb. Alright everybodyyyyy... byeeee...

Mary: Wil- bye!

Meredith: (Laughs) what were you gonna say? 

Mary: I was gonna say "Wilco Will Love You" one more time, but we already said it, so that's fine! 

Meredith: Oh! 

Mary: Wilco Will Love You!

Meredith: Let's say it again. 1, 2, 3-

Meredith & Mary: Wilco Will Love You! 

Meredith: Aw, that was cute. 

Mary: Aww.

Meredith: Aww! 

Mary: (Laughs)

Mary: Alright.

Meredith: Alright.

Mary: Bye!

Meredith: Bye!

(Outro: Wilco Will Love You is co-hosted by Mary MacLane and me, Meredith Coons. It is edited by Greta Stromquist and recorded at Portola Studios. Theme music by Adam Nash. You can rate and review on Apple Podcasts. Subscribe at Apple Podcasts, or wherever you prefer to listen, so that you don't miss an episode.)