Wilco Will Love You Podcast

Patrick Sansone (Part 1)

Episode Summary

Friends, we (the Mares) are delighted to share with you Part 1 of our conversation with Patrick Sansone. You may know him as a versatile, virtuosic member of Wilco, but he is also an amazing photographer with multiple music projects ever in the works - including The Autumn Defense with fellow Wilco member John Stirratt.

Episode Notes

If you don't know The Autumn Defense, get to know 'em!

They're on Instagram, too.

As is Mr. Patrick Sansone himself.

He also has a website dedicated to his photography.

For context, here's The Art Institute of Chicago, beloved by both Mary and Patrick.

And here's the Albright-Knox Art Gallery (now shortened to AKG), also beloved by those two. 

Plus, some of John Pfahl's work can be found here.